Ballrail stanchion(also known as tubular ball handrail/ball joint stanchion) is designed to provide protection for walkways and ramps, mezzanine floors and gangway access. The all joint makes installation easier. It is fast and easy to adjust and install on site.
WellStep supplies a complete range of ballrail stanchions and accessories including angle and horizontal closure bends, angled frames, kick plates and gates. It can be standard or custom made. For different applications, the stanchions are available in mild steel, stainless steel and aluminum alloy.
All weldings are finished by robot arm, the welds are neat and clean, providing better quality consistency and strength.
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P=Platform, C= cored, W=Welded, S=Side
SC=Side conveyor, SC=Side offset, PC=Platform corner, IG=Inground
PA=Platform angle, CA=Cored angle, WA=Welded angle, SAL/R=Side angle left/Right
AM=Angle mounted, SOAL/R=Side offset angle left/right, DOSO=Drill one side only